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Going Green: 5 Stunning Sustainable Homes


承诺在宅基地上实现绿色是一个明智的举动. 这些项目是舒适、高效和可持续的生活空间的绝佳范例. Whether you’re aiming for a Passive, Net-Zero, Net-Positive or just a higher-performance, energy efficient construction approach, allow these projects to inspire you.

1. Sandwich Passive House: The Valle Group

而美学上独特的深色胶结板, 可持续来源的木材和广阔的玻璃, 这个超节能三明治住宅的许多元素反映了被动式房屋建筑的环保意识.

山谷集团,被动式房屋建设,三明治MAAt its core, 被动式建筑旨在通过五个具体的建筑科学原则来优化建筑能源效率的各个方面:围护结构密封性, super-insulation and thermal bridge-free construction, optimized windows, balanced ventilation, and minimal use of space conditioning.

山谷集团,被动式房屋建设,三明治MAThe builders at The Valle Group, 十多年前,谁在科德角建造了第一座经过认证的被动房, recently completed this Passive, Net Zero certified house in Sandwich. It generates its own solar power, and was created with sustainably sourced, low embedded carbon and low VOC materials.

(摄影:Dan Cutrona,建筑师:Kaplan Thompson Architects,建造商:The Valle Group)

2. Energy Efficient Truro Home: Cape Associates Inc.

定制的住宅坐落在海滨特鲁罗的中心, MA is a modern yet purposeful home, complete with clean lines, contemporary details, and aesthetic beauty.

Cape Associates, Energy Efficient Home, Truro MA隔热采用了Zip-R面板和三层玻璃窗, which were installed throughout the entire build. 住宅的雪松内衬的开放式布局以这些大窗户为特色,为住宅周围的森林和大海增添了一抹自然的和谐. Cape Associates, Energy Efficient Home, Truro MA充足的自然光限制了白天对电力照明的需求. 该物业光滑的马车屋上的太阳能阵列将太阳能转化为整个家庭的电力, powering the all-electrically driven cooking, heating, ventilation, and cooling systems.

Cape Associates, Energy Efficient Home, Truro MAStepping outside, 景观保持真实的本地植物和绿色植物在家庭周围的户外空间. 保护土地自然美的决定限制了景观维护所需的维护和能源.

(Builder: Cape Associates Inc.)

3. Net-Positive Farmhouse: Thoughtforms

这种全电力住宅产生的剩余能源占其消耗的60-70%, granting it a ‘net-positive’ status. Without compromising exceptional comfort, quality, and aesthetics, 它拥有令人印象深刻的HERS(家庭能源评级系统)指数得分-9.

thoughtforms, sustainable homes, lincoln farmhouse对细节的关注和细致的施工使实现这一能源盈余的所有差异. Carefully selected materials complemented by an advanced ventilation system, provide a healthy indoor atmosphere, 周到的设计元素减少了维护需求.

thoughtforms, sustainable homes, lincoln farmhouse(摄影:Chuck Choi,建筑师:ZeroEnergy Design,建造者:Thoughtforms Corp .., Landscape Architect: Soren Deniord)

4. In-Progress Passive House Retrofit: NEDC

为那些追求最高能源效率的人, 没有比被动式房屋建筑更高的标准了.

NEDC, Passive House这个项目是新英格兰设计公司设计的未来被动式房屋建设项目的梦想 & Construction (NEDC). 这些照片是萨默维尔正在进行的被动式房屋改造的逼真建筑效果图, MA.     

NEDC, Passive House(Builder: NEDC)

5. Net-Zero Energy Accessory Dwelling Unit: STARCO - Star Contracting Co.

Positioned over a new three car garage, 这个净零能耗认证的附加和附属住宅单元(ADU)包含比满足眼睛更多. 该项目采用高性能建筑围护结构, 3-car garage, a two-stop elevator for accessibility, 1 bedroom apartment, separate guest suite, and mudroom that leads into the original home. starco, net zero home, sustainable homesDesigned to fit within Newton’s ADU zoning by-law, 该项目为业主提供了一个单独的单元,让他们的父母与他们一起老去,同时保持独立性.

starco, net zero home, sustainable homes

一个11千瓦的光伏太阳能阵列抵消了新建筑的水电费,它是全电动的. 场地上的景观美化改进允许创建独特的私人庭院,通过石头楼梯连接,根据需要促进团聚和隐私. 

(摄影:Born Imagery,建筑:Ulterior Mode,总包:Star Contracting Co .. - STARCO)



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